DW Candle Review


At the end of August, I was already counting down the days to Autumn (…because of course). One day while in Homegoods, I spotted the most gorgeous packaging for candles I’ve seen in a while by DW Home.


Checking out each scent, they totally transported me from a late Summer’s day right to when the leaves were a golden yellow and orange. Considering I hadn’t done a good Autumn candle haul in quite a while, I knew I was due. So in my shopping basket they went.


I loved how each candle name was a theme perfectly representing their scent: Grateful, Thankful, and Memories. A.K.A. Autumn Orchard, Pumpkin Spice, and Fall Harvest.


As some of you may know, I used to have my own candle company, so a candle’s performance is important to me. I tested out all four candles, and while I had tunneling with one (which was fixed by putting aluminum around the top. You can read my tip here), but each one had a great scent throw, especially the larger jars. A strong scent throw is what I always aim for when judging a candle and these definitely do the job!


^Ever since my Welcome Fall Party, I’ve been in love Coxcomb flowers during the season. I love how different they are!


This was my first time trying DW Home candles. Trying a new company always leaves me a little weary considering you never quite know the quality you’re getting. But this turned out to be a great experience and I’m more than likely going to try out their other scents I find again in Homegoods, T.J. Maxx, or Marshalls.


Keep your eye out for these scents and gorgeous jars, as it looks like they’re a rare find online, including their website. And speaking of jars, I hate to just throw away beautiful glass, so these would be lovely re-purposed as vases, pen holders…you name it!  The season is just more complete with a cozy Autumn scented candle and I’m so glad I tried these!

Have you tried a new scent yet for Fall? What’s your signature scent for the season?

7 thoughts on “DW Candle Review

  1. I absolutely love DW candles!! Apple Honey Butter in the fall is my favorite. Lovely product!

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